
Purchase and Shipping Orders Support

If customer purchases different products with different shipping options in one purchase order, this purchase order will contain multiple shipping orders. You process shipping orders to deliver products to customers; Purchase orders are used to check and verify customer payments.

Purchase and Shipping Orders Support

Efficient Workflow-based Orders Processing provides different workflows for orders processing in view of different business needs. The simplest and fastest will be processing all items in a purchase order as a whole. If you want to process items separately, there are 1-step (Ship) or 3-Steps (Pick, Pack, Ship) workfows supported as well.

Efficient Workflow-based Orders Processing

Multi-tiers Shipping Fee Charging Model

Support multiple shipping options with either free, flat or tiered-based charging model. You can also restrict shipping zones that you do not ship.

Tax Support

Support multiple custom taxes inclusions in shopping cart checkout to meet regulatory requirements.


Flexible Order Number Formatting provides flexible ways to format order number. The order number can be generated based on date and time, or a running sequence number, or solely containing alphanumeric characters.

Flexible Order Number Formatting

Event Alerts

Get notified for events e.g. when you receive orders or products hit below certain threshold etc so that you can respond to them timely.